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3D cnc Foam Cutter
4 Axis 3D EPS Foam Cuttiing Machine
CNC cutting machine
Product Description of CNC Cutting Machine:
CNC Cutting Machine - Portable and flexible cutting machine for various material and different functions.
Use Medium pressure acetylene and high pressure oxygen as fuel.
Mainly for linear cutting steel plate which is more than 8mm. And circle cutting which is more than 200mm, bevel cutting, V shape cutting.
Add other accessories to do flame hardening and plastic welding.
portable and small in size.
Auto cutting of CNC Cutting Machine: Time-delay, pre-heat, drill hole, semi-diameter compensation, break point recover, continue backward;
Effective cutting of CNC Cutting Machine: Improve productivity by 6-8 times than that of by manual. 4-6 times by semi-automatic vehicle.
High quality cutting: Good locating and repeat accuracy as well as cutting quality. Equipment quality promise of CNC Cutting Machine:
1, the Company's manufacturing facilities are applicable to the relevant national standards and enterprise standards.
2, the company's products are manufactured to meet the technical requirements and parameters should be listed in the specification and to ensure safety and reliability.
3, the company may send engineers to the demand-side participation to help guidance of installation and commissioning of equipment until the machine is qualified and can be put into use. Also we can help the demand side with training equipment operators and maintenance personnel. (Note: The installation and commissioning of equipment abroad, we will take cost in accordance with the cost of a standard international practice)
4 Equipment has 1 year warranty, during the warranty period, the company can track service and maintenance.
About CNC Cutting Machine supplier
WANLONG MACHINERY is a leading China CNC Cutting Machine supplier, manufacturer, factory that focuses on CNC Cutting Machine. We have our own production workshop and design team. If you cooperate with us, we can provide you with first-hand prices.
No matter from which point of view, we are the best choice.